Introducing our New President for 2020 /21
(and it probably isn’t who you were expecting)

Well you soon will. His name is Darren Lee and he is the new President of The Order of The Magi. Darren has taken over this role, from current (and extended) president David Owen.
As the picture shows, The Magi now has its very own masked magician, but Darren has assured us that he will not be revealing any secrets of magic, via television, Facebook or any other means that come our way in the next 12 months.

Although a relatively newcomer to the society, compared to some of our members Darren is an established children’s entertainer, has already won 2 competitions at the Magi and we look forward to working with him throughout the forthcoming year.
Due to the lockdown and pandemic, and being the responsible society that we are, Darren and David have not been able to meet up in order to hand over the chain of office. This will happen as soon as possible and all the council wish Darren all the best in the forthcoming year.
As you may have been aware, our President Elect, due to take on the role of President this year, was Brian Berry, who after much discussion has decided to remain President Elect for a further 12 months. The members of the council understand that this decision was not taken lightly, and look forward to working with Brian as President in 2021/22.
For the foreseeable future, we are still holding our meetings online.
For more details of our meetings and if you are possibly thinking of becoming a member of The Order of The Magi please contact Mike Sharples on 0161 287 7865 / 0774 8833666 or go to