Magical Wordsearch

How Many of The Famous Magicians’ names listed below can you find?

Words can go in any direction – forwards, backwards, up, down, and in all diagonal directions.

To highlight a word, click on the first letter, and then click on the last letter of the word in the grid.

The grid and words change on every visit, so make sure that you bookmark this page to play again!

Find the magical words / names listed below.

Words can go in any direction - forwards, backwards, up, down, and in all diagonal directions.

To highlight a word, click on the first letter, and then click on the last letter of the word in the grid.

The grid and words change on every visit, so make sure that you bookmark this page to play again!


If you enjoy magic, why not join The Order of The Magi - Manchester's Magic Society?

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{{ currentLevel.width }}x{{ currentLevel.height }}

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If you enjoy magic, why not join The Order of The Magi – Manchester’s Magic Society?