Magic Trick
The Joe Abrahams Stage Competition Trophy

The late and much respected Past President Joe Abrahams
Thanks to all of you who were able to attend last night’s Magic Auction. Whether you were buyers, sellers or runners your participation was greatly appreciated. We received a good figure from the sale of Joe Abraham’s estate which will enable us to purchase a new trophy for the stage competition – “The Joe Abrahams Trophy” to be held later this year. Will you be the first to receive it? You’ve got to be in to win.
Joe was a very active member of the society, Treasurer and Past President, and it seems only fitting that the funds raised from the sale of his magical estate, kindly donated by his family, are used to purchase a new trophy, to remember him by.
We hope to see you all at Geoff Newton’s ‘Key Ring’ lecture on Tuesday 23rd May.
Finally if you are a society member and have not yet let Mike have your mobile number please do so in order that we can send text alerts to announce meetings, new etc.
North West Dealers’ Day Report 2005
North West Dealers’ Day Report
12th November 2005
The intended subtitle for this report had been ‘Bird’s-Eye-View’, until He Who Must Be Obeyed (Geoffrey Newton), considered the non-p.c. connotations, especially in a society with only 1% female membership, inappropriate, no matter how tongue-in-cheek.
The long-established NWDD has now reached its third year in the enthusiastic and capable hands of the Order of the Magi. Continue reading